Blue Lion Negotiation Skills Training
This course equips participants with essential tools for successfully negotiating the resolution of disputes and other challenges in a variety of interpersonal, group, community, and international settings. Participants will learn to: understand influence and conflict resolution strategies; identify interests, issues, and positions of the parties; analyze opposing party and constituency circumstances that affect the negotiation; and implement strategies that can be customized to address varied situations. The course provides opportunities for students to develop practical skills through “improv” practice using a five-step model that is the central focus of the course.
Blue Lion Mediation Skills Training
This course equips participants with skills for offering mediation to assist two or more parties in reaching agreement on a course of action, manage a conflict, or resolve a dispute. Building on an understanding of mediation methods that have appeared in history and in many cultures, students will review and critique modern methods, and have an opportunity to practice a generic model that can be customized to fit organizational, community and family topics. Exploration of ethics and professional practice topics will equip students to use mediation skills to help parties control costs and increase satisfaction in dispute situations.
40 Hour Professional Certificate
Successfully completing both Negotiation and Mediation Skills qualifies a participant for 40 Hour Certification that meets requirements for court-ordered mediation (Section 154 of the Texas Civil Procedures and Remedies Code: “to qualify for an appointment as an impartial third party under this subchapter a person must have completed a minimum of 40 classroom hours of training in dispute resolution techniques in a course conducted by an alternative dispute resolution system or other dispute resolution organization approved by the court making the appointment.” )